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  • +49 7131 200064
  • info@imgmbh.de
  • Competent consulting
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Exhaust gas measurement on forklift trucks

Forklifts and other industrial trucks that are operated in buildings must be regularly inspected and tested for occupational health and safety reasons. If these machines are powered by a combustion engine, exhaust gas components must also be measured to determine whether the forklift may be operated in the building.

A distinction must be made between forklifts powered by a gas engine and those powered by a diesel engine. In the case of a gas engine, the UVV "Use of liquid gas" (DGUV79, formerly BGVD39) is used as a standard, and in the case of a diesel engine, the TRGS 554 is used as a standard.

Refrigerant leak monitoring in supermarket

Which refrigerant detectors and leak detectors are the ideal devices for monitoring in supermarkets?

Why should gas detectors with low detection thresholds be used?

You will find answers to these questions in our section

"Information on refrigerant monitoring in the supermarket".

Refrigerant monitoring of occupied spaces

Which gas detectors are used in occupied rooms?

What needs to be taken into account?

You will find answers to these questions in our section

"Information on refrigerant monitoring in occupied rooms".

Indoor air quality

What affects the air quality?

Which elements should be measured?

Answers to these questions can be found in our section "Information on indoor air quality IAQ".